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The term X_Rays is used for the radiation which is used to make a film. Why do we need to take Radiographs? The internal physiology which is not visible to the naked eye can be seen in these films, hence a better understanding of the persons oral health is best determined. Many a times it is pertinent to take a radiograph to diagnose a problem hence the benefit outweighs the risk.
The term X_Rays is used for the radiation which is used to make a film. Why do we need to take Radiographs? The internal physiology which is not visible to the naked eye can be seen in these films, hence a better understanding of the persons oral health is best determined. Many a times it is pertinent to take a radiograph to diagnose a problem hence the benefit outweighs the risk.
It is important to do a thorough exam of the oral hard and soft tissues to see the general oral health of an individual. The basic diagnostic tools like radiographs and other techniques like biopsy are helpful in making a accurate diagnosis. Cancer can occur in any part of the mouth and its surrounding structures. It is important to detect it early so that the right treatment can be provided. It is important to have a self awareness of oneself and do a simple oral exam to help in early identification of the symptoms. If any of the below mentioned symptoms seem to be persistent for a longer period of time one must visit your oral health care provider and discuss it.  
  • Canker sore /ulcer unhealed for more than 3 wks
  • Growth /Lump anywhere around the mouth and face
  • White /Red patch or line in and around the mouth and tongue
  • Difficulty in swallowing or speech recently
  • Voice changes like hoarseness in voice esp. in smokers which is recent and persistent for more than 4-6 wks
  • Unexplained tooth mobility
  • Numbness around the mouth which is of recent origin
Sealants This is a preventive procedure done mostly in young patients who have developing teeth also done in adults who are prone to decay . This is a clear or opaque resin material which is applied on to the chewing surfaces of mostly the back/posterior teeth where the pits and fissure are very deep. This creates a smooth surface which prevents any plaque or bacteria to sit and harbor on, hence preventing decay. Fluoride This is again a preventive procedure where in a coat of fluoride is applied on to the teeth to help prevent decay in future. This also helps in taking care of sensitivity of the teeth in certain conditions.
Do not snack in between meals or limit them to a minimum. Wash mouth with a minimum of water after eating or drinking any thing other than water. Avoid sticky foods , sugary products, as all this are a source for bacteria to stay in the mouth . Have regular dental checkup to evaluate how the child is doing with the brushing. Brush the teeth at least twice daily and clean the tongue and surrounding area, to keep the area clean and devoid of nidus for decay. Always give a positive reward for good maintenance, and encourage proper hygiene habits like brushing, flossing and rinsing after every meal. BLEEDING GUMS AND HYGIENE OF TEETH AND SURROUNDING STRUCTURE

Bad breath, is one of the main concerns of most people even though they say they are brushing their teeth. This could be a sign of other preexisting health problems or just improper hygiene habits. Either ways one must make sure that they follow the proper care to keep bad breath away and maintain good standards or care so that the teeth may stay healthy for longer periods of time in the mouth . As mentioned earlier there are numerous causes for bad breath but the most common ones are poor oral hygiene which leads to gum and periodontal diseases. Also other ill fitting prosthesis like dentures or crowns which are not well fitting may contribute to bad breath as they retain plaque and bacteria around them which leads to bad breath. Some medical conditions like diabetes, post nasal drip due to allergy or infections, fungal infections, dry mouth due to disease or medications may cause bad breath due to the lack of saliva which acts like a vehicle to keep bacteria at its minimum and be a natural cleanser. Bleeding gums can become quite a serious problem where in one may even loose a few teeth or they become beyond a point where we can restore them and thus are only suitable for extraction. In an event to prevent these problems one must practice good oral hygiene, brush and floss twice daily, Also use other dental aids to keep the mouth clean. At the minimum one must remember that bleeding gums is a tell tale sign of initial gum disease and if treated early the teeth can be saved and kept healthy.

In health, the gums firmly grip the neck of the tooth. If food or any foreign body is allowed to accumulate between the tooth and the gum margin, it forms plaque along with the microbes. The resultant irritation of the gum margins produces a condition called as GINGIVITIS characterized by redness, bleeding and swelling of the gums. If proper attention is paid at this stage the condition is perfectly reversible. However in untreated cases the condition further deteriorates leading to the destruction of the tooth-supporting tissues. The condition is then called PERIODONTITIS. At this stage the teeth start moving, they are unable to withstand chewing forces, pus forms in the gums and foul odor starts coming from the mouth. Patient are well aware that the teeth are moving suddenly and not sure as to why they seem to grow apart and move forward too.
It is often difficult initially to brush your child's teeth. They can really put up a struggle, screaming, kicking, crying, running away, not opening their mouths - every kid is different. Healthy teeth and gums are so important to start out life with. We've often heard the value of choosing your battles with your children, and this is one to choose. Remember that the initial challenge you face is actually more taxing on you than it ultimately is for your child.